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MyFundedFX Restricted Countries – Who Can’t Sign Up?

MyFundedFX Restricted Countries

MyFundedFX Restricted Countries – Who Can’t Sign Up?

Are you looking to trade in the exciting world of foreign exchange? Before you dive in, it’s important to know if you’re eligible to sign up with MyFundedFX, a popular prop firm offering trading opportunities. In this article, we’ll explore the recent changes to MyFundedFX’s list of accepted countries, focusing on those that are now restricted from signing up.

What’s the Buzz About?

Recently, MyFundedFX made updates to its list of accepted countries, based on legal advice concerning OFAC-sanctioned nations. This means they’ve tightened their rules on who can join their platform. But fear not if you’re already a member! These changes only apply to new sign-ups. If you’ve been trading with MyFundedFX before today, you can carry on as usual, without any interruptions to your services.

MyFundedFX Restricted Countries

Now, let’s get down to business. If you’re from any of the following countries, unfortunately, you won’t be able to create an account with MyFundedFX or participate in any of their competitions or giveaways. Here’s the rundown:


  • Iraq
  • Iran
  • Russia
  • Syria
  • Yemen
  • Lebanon
  • Myanmar
  • North Korea


  • Central African Republic
  • Somalia
  • Sudan
  • Democratic Republic of Congo
  • Ethiopia
  • Libya

North America

  • Cuba
  • Nicaragua

South America

  • Venezuela


  • Belarus

If you hail from any of these regions, MyFundedFX is off-limits for now.

Myfundedfx restricted countries - who can't sign up?

What Does This Mean for You?

If you’re from one of the restricted countries, it’s important to explore other trading options available to you. While MyFundedFX might not be accessible, there are still plenty of opportunities in the market. Consider reaching out to local brokers or exploring online platforms that cater to your region. Remember, the world of forex trading is vast, and there’s always a way to get involved.


In conclusion, MyFundedFX has updated its list of accepted countries, restricting access for individuals from certain regions. While this might pose a challenge for some, it’s essential to stay informed and explore alternative options for trading.

Whether you’re a seasoned trader or just starting out, there’s a world of opportunities waiting for you in the forex market. Stay curious, stay informed, and happy trading!

Unlock Your Trading Potential with MyFundedFX

Ready to take your trading to the next level? Get started with MyFundedFX and use code “Propfirmsinsights” for an exclusive 5% discount on your funded trading account.

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